Why You Need To Get Team Building With Kleeneze

Team Building with Kleeneze

Team building is a way to grow your business without you delivering more catalogues. You only have so many hours in a day, which limits the amount of catalogues you can deliver and money you can earn. Team building with Kleeneze is a great way to boost your income by helping others.

We are going to look at how to earn money through team building,how to build a team, the training and support system we have in place along with team building

There is an fantastic income potential when team building with Kleeneze and it works in a win-win scenario. One thing to remember when team building is that you earn money by helping other people earn money too. Kleeneze does not pay you money for simply recruiting people.

How to Earn Money Through Team Building

I will begin to explain exactly how you earn money with Kleeneze from team building.

Example 1

In this example, you are generating £600 of orders yourself by delivering and collecting catalogues as explained on the retailing page. You have also introduced another two people to Kleeneze who are also retailing £600 of orders each. With each person retailing £600 of orders personally, each person will earn £125 (21% of orders).

At the end of every month Kleeneze will calculate your teams turnover, in this example it is £1800, and pay a bonus to you for this. Since Kleeneze realise you are the link that helped bring in the additional £1200 of orders for Kleeneze, they reward you for this. In this example, Kleeneze will pay you a bonus of £150 for generating a team turnover of £1800 this month.

Do you think you could find two people who would like to earn an additional £125 per month?

Example 2

In this example, you are generating £1000 of orders personally and you have also introduced ten people who are doing the same. Just as before where two people joined your team, well over time more people will join and your team will grow.

Each person in this example who is retailing £1000 of orders will earn their self an extra income of £270 per month. Just as before, Kleeneze calculate your teams turnover which is £11,000 in this example and will pay you a bonus for generating all these extra orders for the company.

The breakdown of your income in this example is approximately earning £210 for the £1000 of orders you have generated (21% of orders) plus an additional bonus from Kleeneze of £1050.

The great thing about team building with Kleeneze is that you are not the boss of people you introduce. Each person has their own account with Kleeneze, places their own orders direct with Kleeneze and pays Kleeneze for the products they have ordered for their own customers.

The role of the team leader, in this example yourself, is simply to help and support your team members to ensure they earn the money they want from Kleeneze. Whether that is just £50 per week, or £500 per week.

If you have already found two people who were looking to earn some money with Kleeneze, do you think you could find a few more?

How to Build a Team in Kleeneze

There are lots of different methods that can be used to build a successful team in Kleeneze, but here are a selection to get you thinking.
  • Talk to friends and family
  • Talk to work colleagues
  • Advertise in different places
We have a full system in place where you can choose which activities you would like to take part in and generate enquiries. You can choose how many enquiries you would like which is ultimately dependent on the effort you put in.

The process behind team building is as follows
  1. Generate enquiries
  2. Post an information pack out to the lead
  3. Call the lead in a couple of days to answer any questions they may have
  4. The lead will either be interested, not interested, or require more information
  5. If the lead requires more information, it can be good to visit the person to speak with them face-to-face, or direct them to one of our websites for further information
  6. Alternatively if the person is ready to join straight away this can be arranged

Team Building Training and Support

We have a fantastic training and support system in place which will enable both yourself to build a successful team and also allow your new team members to do the same.

The person who introduced you to Kleeneze is there to help and support you every step of the way. It is their job to ensure you succeed within Kleeneze.

Online Training
There is an online training resource available to everyone which enables you to learn in your own time and at your own pace. This includes documents, recommended books to read and training videos for all parts of Kleeneze.
Regular Meetings
There are regular meetings around the UK offering training and support to help you be more effective within your business and grow it bigger. These consist of bi-annually meetings from Kleeneze in Birmingham, monthly meetings at various cities in the UK and bi-monthly meetings in smaller towns. All of the meetings are designed to help you earn the money you would like from Kleeneze, so come along and learn!
Call Center
Kleeneze also has a full time call center who can deal with any account and order related enquiries when you need.

Kleeneze Team Building FAQ's

Q: What if no one joins?
Kleeneze has been around for 87 years now, if no one wanted to join then Kleeneze would have gone out of business a long time ago. If you want to build a team with Kleeneze, we will ensure that you can do this and will provide all the training and support you need.

Q: Isn't this pyramid selling?
Absolutely not, this is illegal in the UK. Kleeneze is a legitimate business model whereby anyone in the organisation can earn the money they like. If you put more work in than the person who introduced you, then you will earn more money than the person who introduced you. Kleeneze is a founder member of the Direct Selling Association which was set up in the mid 70's and was designed to eradicate any unlawful schemes. Kleeneze is also endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.

Q: Do I have to build a team?
This is totally your choice. If you don't want to build a team then you don't have to. Where as if you want to build a team you can do, and you can build it as big or as small as you like. Kleeneze is a totally flexible business that you control.

Q: I don't know who to sponsor, will I get help?
Absolutely yes! Kleeneze is all about training and support, so if you want to build a team we will help you succeed.

FAQ - Kleeneze Catalogue

Statutory Wealth Warning
It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme.
Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.


Unknown said...

brilliant post this is why we got involved and have achieved so much by helping others achieve their goals

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