Opportunity Will Appear But Will You Let It Slip By

  Most British people would miss an opportunity even if it hit them on the nose!!                                              ( Winston Churchill )

It a sad fact but most people within the UK would love to change their live's for the better, that why the National Lottery is such a massive success and who can blame them, its the dream millions share, to live life with cash to spare, nice cars, dream houses and stress free lifestyle.

The opportunities are out there we live in a time when you can achieve anything and as the old saying goes,  if you can dream it you can achieve it!!  So why is it so many people fail to live up to their dreams and aspirations?

What is it that stops them from achieving those dreams and desire's, you can't say its education many millionaires left school with few or no qualification's, Alan Sugar been a prime example a man who built a business empire from been barrow boy in London's markets and Richard Branson built the Virgin group from a small record shop, so what have these guys got that the average man or woman in the street does not have?

The fact is these guys saw an opportunity 

To me these guys have nothing different to anyone of us we all have the skills to be a success could it be the simple fact an opportunity arose they saw it and took action. Yes you could say they were lucky but maybe because they were prepared to fail and knew failure was an option the courage to give it everything was strong enough to allow then to strive to the level of success and beyond that these guys craved. The thing with luck is the harder you practice and the harder you push the luckier you become yes you'll have set backs but as many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world today will tell you their biggest success was preceded by their biggest failure the fact these people just keep on keeping on is the one of main reason's they got were their are today as they know the way to success is through failure! the lessons it teach's you no matter how small will make you stronger and a strong mind will push you passed failure to success, allowing them to remain positive and having total belief in your abilities,

How many times have you in your mind pulled yourself down allowed negative thoughts to enter telling you that you'll never be a success never amount to anything and that success never comes to people like you. Well I'm here to tell you it does, start thinking how lucky you are and how luck always comes your way believe in your own success no matter how small get that can do attitude and start believing in your own abilities. You see what you think about you get, those guys never for one moment allowed failure to enter their minds and massive success came their way so why do you allow it !!

So were does that leave you now?    well good question but here's something to think about .............

In your life what opportunities have you let slip it, they can be business or personal, what could you have done if you'd grasped it, where would you life be now, why did you allow it to slip?  now the million dollar question? Will you grasp the next one?

We have but one life we need to live it to the full, savor it,enjoy it, and share its treasures we need to remember that when one door close's another opens you need to be prepared to see it and go through it and grasp whats one the other side.

I wish you a success please next time remember your looking or thinking about changing your life remember                                    
                              POOR stands for Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly

                             To read an article on change and how to deal with it please click here

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Andy Connor


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