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Money Troubles : Its A Fact Half Of The UK are "Living On The Edge"

Its a sad fact that in the UK today around 9 million more people are struggling with money issues compared to seven years ago, an independent report into the state of  health of the UK finances has revealed.

More than half of the people surveyed (52%) said that they were living on the edge and struggled to make the next pay day, that equates to 26 million people across the UK reports the government backed MAS or Money Advice Service.

Of the people surveyed two fifths said they'd really have to think were they could raise cash from if they were hit with an unexpected bill of £300 and 1 in 5 people would rather have £200 today than £400 in 4 months time but more shockingly a quarter said they'd rather live for today than save to tomorrow, and that's just a ticking time bomb awaiting to go off!!!

Since the last time a similar report was published in 2006, 35% more people have slipped into the bracket of struggling to keep on top of bills, due to the financial downturn, poor financial skills and the "live for now" culture of the past few years, all of which is pulling down peoples abilities to save enough for their future

With hourly rates dropping in real terms by 6% since 2006  utility bills and household bills etc increasing the financial squeeze its a real nightmare to millions. The research based 5000 people and 70 families across a broad spectrum who were followed for a year by the MAS and their detailed report makes grim reading, yet there's so many ways in which people can address financial difficulties by having that can do attitude and doing a little extra outside of those working hour's.

What can you do to ease those financial worries and start saving for a brighter future? well that's were people like ourselves can help, we understand the need to earn an extra £50 - £100 per week having been in that situation we can show you a simple UK PLC backed opportunity to get you back on your feet and into the black. As well as our opportunity there's many other work from home, spare time opportunities in which you can get involved with but a word of caution check them out thoroughly before committing to it, or visit the Door Step Selling Association for advice on Direct Sales Opportunities either online or conventional. They's no reason to be in the situation your in if you've the desire to do something about it, and the right opportunity for you will not only be fun but massively rewarding

The situation many people find themselves in is not of their making hard working families are been pushed into a corner financially due to the double dip recession help is out there, but its down to those in that situation to seek that HELP remember pride won't put food on the table or pay those bills.

If you'd like to take a look at our opportunity then why not click here you can watch me explain all about it, then all you need to do is leave your details its no obligation but the main thing is we don't pass on your details and your free to opt out anytime its totally risk free.  If you want a better future its well worth a look and getting in touch

We are Andy & Jane Connor and we hope you found this post helpful if so please leave a comment

Here's to your successful future

Andy & Jane


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