Why Network Marketing is the best way to self employment today
Are you looking to get started in your own business be your own boss and drive forward on your own road to success? YES !
Then your the kind of person who'll find this post of interest, have you any skills, are you a tradesman, will those skills allow you to build a business. Do you have what it takes to make it happen and be a success ?
Questions Questions Question all of these must be going through your head, can I get the business to keep me a float over the first couple of months, stock holding, premises and staff its mind blowing in fact you could say very scary.
The fact is there's another way to build a small business that if worked correctly will generate an unlimited income and comes without the need to hold stock or have premises or employ staff.
Wow I hear you say what is it!
Now this is were most people back away through ignorance or the fact they knew some who tried and it didn't work. The crazy thing is that if everyone took that attitude then we'd still be living in caves hunting to keep over family fed. Have you ever heard anyone say my brother tried going self employed as a plumber and it did work so its no use having a plumbing business as it doesn't work or my friends sisters friends sister in law opened a hair dressers and she closed it after 3 weeks cause it didn't work!
Of course not ! If we did their'd be no businesses on the High St so why is it alright to for people to say that about Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM)?
The reason is because Network Marketing / MLM comes with cheap start up costs and no risk or little risk or premises to open, its all carried out from home on a shoe string budget therefore it's easy to get in to and out of pain free. Ask some people about the opportunity and they'll say "oh its that pyramid thing" the fact is most people couldn't tell you what that pyramid thing is never mind explain how it works but if they did they'd probably describe paid employment otherwise known as a JOB
The fact is that some of the most successful people in the world say if they had to start up again their'd get into Network Marketing and build a business on that model, why because its the most ethical way of moving product in the world today, its were your teams are rewarded for the effort they put in and can earn more income that those above, Imagine that happening in paid employment a shop floor worker earning more than the CEO like that's never going to happen!
So why do you need to take a look at MLM if your interested starting your own business ?
Well MLM comes with the support network in place usually a mentor to guide you in your early days and a success system that gives you tracks to follow. The people above are already successful but its in their interest to help you every step of the way to build your business by supporting and coaching you, this strengthens their business but and this is the key point at no time will they earn more that you from your business and there's nothing stopping you earning and achieving more than them.
MLM comes with small start up costs that can be easily recouped getting you into profit quickly, products are innovative and desirable but do your research get into a company in which your comfortable selling their goods and promoting the opportunity to others.
MLM comes in many forms some companies selling telecoms, fitness products, house hold products or even insurance but its a fact that Network Marketing / MLM makes more millionaires than any other business in the world today, no wonder Donald Trump and Bill Gates said said if they lost it all tomorrow they'd find a MLM company and get started in that straight way.
Take a look at MLM search the internet there's plenty out there all you need to do is find a company with products you like and then get some information on whats needed to get started its that easily.
Did you know that 82% of women in the USA who made in excess of $100K a year made it in direct sales or MLM to you and I. That's serious income in anyone's book but whats even more fantastic is these ladies probably achieved this around family life and commitments
Good luck in your search for an MLM company that can give you the road to success we desire, I wouldn't say MLM is no risk but compared to setting up a traditional business its certainly low risk
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Jane & Andy Connor
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